Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Word of God for Today - Too Busy I Forgot God! & What Kind of People Are In Your Town?


-Too Busy I Forgot God!-

In God's word in Deu 6:12 "Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage".

We live in a world that's busy, busy, busy, and in fact so busy that there is no room for God. Too many Christians try to fit God in their schedule when they should fit their schedule into Gods.

The pattern for most Christians is that when times are hard they spend time with God, but when times are good then they are too busy. This is the same pattern as with the Israelites in the Old Testament. They made time for God when hardship, trials or enemies came upon them, but once deliverance came they had no more time for God.

God warned Israel not to forget Him after He delivered them from 430 years of bondage and slavery to the Egyptians, but they forgot and that was the main reason why they ended back again into bondage and slavery to their enemies. It was only until they remembered their God again that deliverance came. We at times are no different, the moment things start to go well then we are too busy for God. This puts us in a place of compromise that will cause us to be immune to being sensitive to the voice of God. Anything that replaces our time or fellowship with God will eventually become a god to us replacing the true God. Those who are too busy for God will end up less successful then the people of the world, but those who have time for God will be more successful then those in the world. It's a daily walk! And if you find your self having no time for God its means God is not that important to you as your job, business, family or whatever is taking you away from Him. Don't run the risk when you come to the end of your journey on this earth that Jesus says to you "I never Knew you". Just remember if you are too busy for God its only a matter of time that the world around you will seem like its falling apart.

-What Kind of People Are In Your Town?-

pic:heli makinen

In God's word in Mat 7:1 says "Judge not, that ye be not judged".

There was once a wise old man sitting at the gate of an ancient city. A young traveler stopped before entering the city and asked the old man, "What kind of people live in this town?". The wise man answered with a question, "What kind of people were in the town you just came from?"

"Oh, they were liars and cheats and thugs and drunks, terrible people," the young traveler replied. The old man shook his head, "The people in this town are the same way."

Later another stranger paused to ask the same question, and again the wise man questioned his questioner, "What kind of people did you just leave?" The second traveler answered, "Oh, I left a fine town. The people were good and kind and honest and hardworking." The wise man smiled and said, "The people in this town are the same way."

People who are kind and forgiving toward others usually experience tolerance from others themselves; those who are harsh, censorious and critical toward others find that others exhibit much the same disposition toward them. Of course, when our Lord warned, "Judge not," He was not talking about exposing the sins of the ungodly-we must do that. Neither was He talking about withdrawing from the immoral, or restoring erring Christians, or resolving civil disputes, or "knowing a tree by its fruits." He was forbidding illegitimate judgments that stem from a self-righteous, haughty, puffed-up, hypocritical spirit (Mat 7:15; Luk 6:37-38; Rom 3:1-3). He was forbidding judgments based on inadequate information (Joh 7:21-24). He was forbidding judgments in which the person assumes the position of God, trying and sentencing brethren in regard to eternal salvation (Jos 4:11-12; Rom 14:3-4, Rom 14:10, Rom 14:13; 1Co 4:5).

What kind of people live in your town?
_Bible Illustrations_

Always remember the Word of God for today...:)

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