Monday, August 15, 2011

Word of God for Today - Interest! For or Against? & Loving Like God

-Interest! For or Against?-

If you look at the Banks of today, the billions they make in profits each year, as well as the millions they spend in advertising, one would question "where do they get all that money"? Well the answer is simple, Banks make the bulk of their profits through mainly interest. Without interest the Banks today would collapse economically, so in order to stay afloat they rely on interest. The only problem is the interests Banks charge today is not interest but usury. If Banks charged the same interest rates 20 years ago as they do today, they would be breaking the law. But because of different laws that were changed to favor Banks, they can legally charge high interest and still not break the law. In reality they are still breaking the law whether its legal or not. God is against high interest because the higher the interest rates the longer a person stays in bondage. In the Word of God in Pro 22:7 says "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender". God is against lending money for interest for the very fact that it puts people into bondage, He called it usury. For His people God does not allow interest to be charged to one another, Exo 22:25 it says "If you lend money to one of My people who is poor beside you, you shall not be to him as a money-lender, neither shall you lay upon him interest" Deu 23:19 "You shall not lend for interest to your brother, interest of silver, interest of food, interest of anything that is loaned on interest." So God makes it clear that if we lend to a brother we should not charge them interest in any form for what ever we lent them. Christians can only charge interest to those who are outside the Church (the stranger) Deu 23:20 "You may lend on interest to a stranger, but you shall not lend on interest to your brother, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you set your hand to in the land where you go to possess it".

So when you buy something always buy it in cash or stay without it. It is better to stay without something temporarily than to have it straight away and be in bondage for longer than it would take to save for it. Remember interest always works against you, it is a hard task master that will hold you in captivity to make you pay for something many times more than the value of what its truly is worth.

If your are in dept now don't feel guilty, just make a quality decision that you will not borrow again. Once you've made this firm stand God will then start to turn your captivity around.

-Loving Like God-

In God's word in John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another". This is a very well known scripture but one of the most ignored. Jesus commanded us to love Just like He loves. The love that Jesus demonstrated was an unconditional love called Agape. This kind of love will love regardless of what wrong another had done. Jesus demonstrated a perfect example of Agape love, He loved from the 12 Disciples all the way down to the Romans soldiers who nailed Him on the Cross. And today His love is still the same. Are you walking in Agape love or conditional love, that will only love those who are good to you. The world can love like this, but that's not the kind of love that will make you victorious. Not walking in the Agape love is the biggest blessing blocker in the Church today. For most Christians they will love, but its based on feelings rather than Commandment. No one in their right mind will drink poison; but one who is in strife, unforgiveness or hatred towards another is one who is already taking poison. This is the reason why so many are sick with cancer, arthritis and so many other illnesses causing them to die young, they have chosen the crooked pathway of life. So next time someone does you wrong, love them with the Agape unconditional love and you will stay on the straight and Narrow Way; God will justify you.

Always remember the Word of God for today...:)

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