Monday, September 5, 2011

Word of God for Today - Move Forward or Slip Back & The Importants of The Local Church


-Move Forward or Slip Back-

In God's word in Heb 2:1 says "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip". Sometimes we can be so caught up in today's victories that tomorrow we end up in defeat. That should not be the case. The day you were born again is the day you entered into eternal victory, our Christian walk should excel and grow in faith on a continual basis. The issue is not how fast you grow but are you still growing? When we turn away from the promises of God we will begin to slip back and end up being worse than we were before we got saved. 

The Bible tells us in Romans 1:17 that His righteousness is revealed from faith to faith, this shows that everything we learn is a progression from faith to faith, meaning we don't stop at the level where we are, but continue to advance in our understanding and faith towards God. This verse also tells us that the just shall live by faith, if you Word level drops down then so will your faith. When that happens then you will start to slip back and start to loose and give in to the attacks from the devil that come your way, until you are eventually knocked out! 

Have you noticed companies like Coca Cola, Caltex and Nissan, how big they are? Well they didn't get big over night, they started small and got big because they continued to move forward and excel. Coca Cola is a wide world known product. Despite the fact that its bad for your insides people all around the world drink it, why? Because its well known and well advertised. You will never find a person who has not drunk coke! The company spends untold billions every year to advertise their soft drink and its still number one around the world today. Now if the Coca Cola company stopped growing then it will end up going broke and will be taken over by another soft drink company. All big companies have to keep on growing each year in order to survive another year in business, if they don't grow they will start to slip backwards. Any company that's stops growing will eventually end up bankrupt. 

This is the same for the Christian, if we don't continue to progress in our faith, our walk with God then we are headed for spiritual bankruptcy and a defeated life. We need to keep moving on from faith to faith in order to become stronger, stable and immovable in our walk with God.

-The Importants of The Local Church-


In God's word in Mat 16:18 says "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". As Christians we need to have a fresh revelation on the importants of the local Church. One of the things that Jesus established on Pentecost was the local Church, He started building it over 2,000 years ago and He expects us to be part of His building program. In 1 Tim 3:15 says "But if I should delay, that you may know how you ought to behave in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth". Paul says that the Church is the house of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth. If we live our lives without being hooked up to a local church then we have removed the pillar and the foundation were truth can grow in our lives. Any person or Minister involved in any kind of work for the Lord, must be part of a local church, if they are not then what they are doing is illegitimate and will not edify the Body of Christ. This is the reason why those who break away from the main church to establish their own work do not succeed. They have broken away from the headship of authority in their lives and in reality they have also broken away from their submission to God. Because God has and will always work through the local Church. 

We need to teach our children by example of the importants of going to Church on a regular basis. If this generation does not see the importants of their local church then they will not be affective or successful in their future lives. Where ever you find a strong, healthy and influential community you will also find a strong local church within that area, the opposite is also true.

Matt 24:4-5 "And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many will come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and will deceive many". 50% of the signs of the last days evolves around deception. Deception is the main sign in these last days. When people do not see the importants of the local Church then that's deception. Cell groups, Christian TV or Christian books do not and cannot replace the local church assembly. One of the main fruit of a true Christian is that he or she belongs to a local church and are also active in it.

Always remember the Word of God for today...:)

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